Thursday, May 5, 2011

That Awkward Moment When...

Apparently missed the memo that “that awkward moment when…” is the new catch phrase. Never one to miss a new trend (I rocked Crocs with the best of them), I decided to make a list of my own “that awkward moment when…” entirely devoted to Facebook (simply because I was on Facebook when I saw my first “TAMW”)

That awkward moment when:
-You accidentally “like” your own status (I do this on my Blackberry at least once a week. Then it looks like I’m laughing at myself. And let’s face it, I’m already arrogant enough without “liking” myself)
-Someone friends you and you have to frantically search your history to delete any mention you may have made about them
-Someone tries to Facebook chats you but you don’t want to talk to them so you sign off
-Conversely, that awkward moment when you Facebook chat someone and THEY sign off
-Someone has a really funny status that you want to “like”/comment on but you don’t know them well enough
-Someone “likes”/comments on a picture from a few years ago (meaning they have been doing some pretty deep investigative work on your Facebook)
-You have to block certain people from seeing certain things
-You get invited to an event for an important cause but reject the invitation (that’s right. I will attend “International Kick a Ginger Day” but refuse to give a definite “yes” to “A Day Without Shoes” or “AIDS Walk”)
-You see someone’s status go from “in a relationship” to “single”
-Someone “likes” the change from “in a relationship” to “single”
-Someone asks, “how have we not been friends before this?” when you know perfectly well you deleted them a year ago (Raeann Schlenker, I’m talking to you)
-You go to creep on someone and realize sometime between the last time you crept on them and now, you’ve been unfriended (cuts like a knife)
-You innocently comment on a status only to have other people start an ideological battle on the same status leaving you with 50 notifications (and a migrane)
-You write a depressing status and someone comments with something along the lines of “get over it” or “hahahaha”
-People get in Facebook battles over who loves who more, complete with ;) and <3 (chances are you two will be broken up in less than 6 months)
-There are multiple people in the profile picture and you aren’t sure which person you’re friends with (hint, probably time to either reconnect or remove from friends)
-Someone says something stupid and someone else publicly calls them out on it
-A parent friends you (love you mom)
-Someone comments on something literally seconds after it’s been posted (been there, done that)
-Someone sends you a friend request even though you’ve ignored their first 3 attempts at it
-You have to untag yourself from the most unflattering picture you’ve ever taken even though you know a bunch of people have already seen it
-Someone “pokes” you (that’s never NOT creepy)

I’m sure there are more “TAMW…” when it comes to Facebook but there is also that awkward moment when someone rambles on too long and, let’s be honest, this blog is getting dangerously close.

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