Why is it that people of my generation are so quick to talk about how awesome the 90’s were? How is it that us 20-somethings are already experiencing life ennui?
(Word of the day: ennui: (ahn-wee) noun: a feeling of utter weariness and discontent resulting from satiety or lack of interest; boredom: talking to most of the people in my life produces an unbearable ennui)
To some extent, I completely understand. I mean, those were the days of Hey Arnold! and Rocket Power (Don’t act like you did think you were going to be a world champion skateboarder/rollerblader/surfer/hockey player/snowboarder/bmx-er just like they were. And don’t act like you didn’t pick on your short, fat friend and call him Squid)
There was also much better music. No, I’m not talking about Seattle’s grunge-rock scene. I’m talking about the pop-sensation sweeping the nation. Backstreet Boys. ‘N Sync. Brittany Spears. O Town. Mandy Moore. Christina Aguilera.
Back while she was still Xtina and not XXLtina (oh snap).
Back while she was still Xtina and not XXLtina (oh snap).
But think about all the stuff that was terrible about the 90’s!
What if we still had to carry around cell phones the size of bricks? I’m delicate and fragile boned. I wouldn’t be able to carry a phone that size for more than a few minutes and then how would people get in touch with my about playing Pokemon? Those phones could barely receive a call let alone send texts, play Angry Birds, and surf the Internet—simultaneously!
And speaking of the Internet… Did that even exist yet? Like can you imagine having a uber-serious question—like “why does Beyonce stay in Destiny’s Child even though she is better than everyone else?”—and not being able to Google it? What did people do before Google? It must have just been an intellectual dark age where people had to read the newspaper for movie times.
And step outside to check the weather.
And watch whole episodes of television WITH COMMERICALS without just watching the clip you want.
And any number of other little annoyances which would make me feel like I was living in a third-world country!
Let’s also not forget how absolutely terrible clothing was back then. (Just in case you’re confused, yes you are looking at pictures of people from the 90’s and yes, they do look very similar to the unwashed masses congregating in Brooklyn right now)
All in all, I’m not ready to declare life ennui yet. I mean, maybe once we get out of this decade, because I am super ready to talk about how much worse my life is without Laguna Beach and The Hills.
Don't cry, LC! We'll always have Paris. Oh wait. We won't because you blew it off to spend the summer with your deadbeat boyfriend. Haha. Sucks.