Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Expectations Vs. Reality

I recently got a guitar and have been attempting to learn to play. I’ve seen Justin Bieber play guitar. Taylor Swift. The Jonas Brothers. I figured, how hard can it be?

I thought I would be like this:

Instead I was more like this:

This got me thinking about expectations versus reality.

Expectation: I am an intelligent person so therefore I will be rewarded for that.

Reality: These people have a near billion-dollar empire and are not even literate.

Expectation: I’ve been working out. I think I can pull off a swimsuit.


Expectation: I spent 4 hours studying for this test. I should be ok.

Reality: What the f@ck is this? Am I even in the right classroom?

Expectation: I’m going to take a picture with my friends and it’s going to look super cute.

Reality: We’re all going to pose with our hands on our hips and a huge fake smile on our faces while we take fifteen of the same photo (all of which we will, of course, post on facebook)

Expectation: I am only going to have one Mountain Dew today.

Reality: I only had one 12-pack of Mountain Dew today.

Well, maybe the last one is just me.

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